I'm sick of the lies, the foolish fantasies, and all the reeking fumes that support our pseudo-pop-culture built on vapid values. Immigrants to America have been told the streets are paved with gold but all I see are potholes and weeds growing in the ever-expanding cracks. We're given garbage and told we can build skyscrapers. Why is our society placing so much effort into stopping drug abuse and crime even as the rates of both continue to climb? Maybe instead of treating the symptoms they should target the source - the utter lack of substance behind contemporary values. The typical answer within democracy is to just increase inclusiveness. It's that stereotypical cockeyed optimism which deems every problem rectifiable through a smile and a nod. The enemies of free minds and free-thought don't stop at the church's door. A vibrant, healthy culture needs community centers, libraries, decent schools. As Robert McChesney noted, "Neoliberal democracy, with its notion of the market über alles, takes dead aim at this sector. Instead of citizens, it produces consumers. Instead of communities, it produces shopping malls. The net result is an atomized society of disengaged individuals who feel demoralized and socially powerless." Welcome to the debt spiral of American credit capitalism, where reality is TV and death tolls are measured in dollars. Where Jersey Shore is the top show on Thursday night and people rummage through the $5 DVD bin like junkies searching for their next fix. At least they don't have to worry about the meaning of their lives. We live in a society where flesh and blood is less real than paper and ink and the faux world of electronic media. It's time that fear trumps complacency and blood begins to flow in the great stained glass window of our lives. Let's reclaim our future. Burn this motherfucker down.
Yeah, life in the 21st Century is frigging Miserable. People throw money at those 12-step freaks because they're milking these junkies and criminals for all their worth. There were no anti depressants back then. If kids couldn't settle down they got their ass kicked. And if children were depressed their Mom's noticed and somehow made it right.
ReplyDeleteThis dude once said, "Something is happening to kids. Some say it's medicated, some say it's video game, or the music, others say it's because we kicked God out. Maybe it's all of these in which instead of coming up with new solutions maybe we should try to get back to some old ways."
I'd rather be with other people than spend an inordinate amount of time alone playing video games, surfing the internet, listening to music, watching television, or other activities in which I'm all by myself.
Is Hip Hop Positive?
ReplyDeleteNo. Hip hop is one of the most destructive mediums out there. It glamorizes drug use, bastardy, and criminality against a community. Hip hop is one of the reasons we are where we are. It's bad for both blacks and whites. Fuck hip hop.